Main benefits of NetBow™:
- Uniform water delivery - NetBow™'s eight labyrinth dripper outlets ensure uniform water and nutrient delivery throughout the entire pot. The outlets are placed on top of the growing material which ensures 100% coverage of the growing material in the pot, no spots are missed.
- User-friendly - NetBow™ is easy to install and connect to microtube. There is no room for error with dripper outlet positioning during placement, as the eight fixed drippers offers full coverage.
- High clogging resistance - The NetBow™ outlets incorporate Netafim™'s patented labyrinth technology to ensure uniform water distribution and low clogging risk. The associated hub-dripper is of the same high standard and will ensure optimal conditions to the NetBow.
- Root intrusion prevention - The direction of the labyrinth outlets in the NetBow™ always faces sideways to separate the dripper from the growing medium and create an anti-root gap to prevent root intrusion.
- Reduced labour - NetBow™ user-friendly setup and single-action installation makes it faster and easier to install as well as move and replace when necessary. This significantly reduces labour requirements.