
Control Apple Size and Yield with Precision Irrigation

Apple production is all about controlling as many variables as possible to achieve uniform fruit size and colour as well as a longer shelf-life. With precision irrigation, you can control both irrigation and nutrition variables.

Why Choose Precision Irrigation for Apples?


  • A perfect fit
    Modern apple production favours high tree population. Drip irrigation distributes water evenly along narrow crop rows while keeping the surface between each row dry.
  • Ensure consistent production year after year
    Next year's crop depends on how you treat your orchard right now. Precision irrigation and Nutrigation™ guarantees healthy trees and spurs today, to boost production capacity tomorrow.
  • Reduce labour costs
    Do it once. Do it right. Harvest the entire orchard simultaneously as precision irrigation fosters uniform fruit development.
  • Size does matter
    By irrigating and fertigating throughout the growing period, you can be sure that your apples will have exactly what they need to reach optimal size.
Drip irrigation for apples
Drip irrigation for apples

Why Drip Irrigation & Micro-Sprinklers


  • Smaller root zones favour drip
    In modern orchards, dwarfing rootstock is commonly used to create compact trees. Although these trees deliver high yields and are easier to pick, their root-zones are limited. Drip irrigation delivers water precisely to the root zone, ensuring that no resources are wasted, and trees are optimally irrigated.
  • Stress-free fruit
    Stress not only causes trees to drop fruit; it can also cause physiological diseases which, in turn, reduces apple resiliency during cold storage. Don't sacrifice a portion of your yield through under or over irrigation.
  • Decrease humidity and prevent disease
    High humidity in apple orchards is a one-way ticket to fungal diseases such as scab and mildew. Drip irrigation avoids extra moisture, ultimately reducing spraying requirements.

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Pressure-compensated, heavy wall dripperlines, designed to handle low water quality and the most challenging topographies. Ideal for orchards, vineyards and other permanent crops. 



Medium and heavy wall dripperlines – perfect if you’re looking for durability, longevity and clog-resistance in challenging water conditions when irrigating on flat topographies. Ideal for subsurface drip irrigation, orchards, vineyards and field crops in permanent irrigation systems. 



A proudly South African product designed for orchards. 

Want to produce quality apples every season?

Want to produce quality apples every season?